Welcome to The Memory Association! We are here to help aid you in your memory erasure process. We offer supplements that will alter your mind and get rid of anything that may have upset you in the past. However, even in our efforts there are some people who just don’t want help. They’re causing quite the issue for us! Not to worry though, we will handle it!

Artist/Thesis Statement
We’ve all thought we’d be better off just forgetting our worries. The thought of “how can I possibly move past something I keep on constant repeat in my mind?” Then we have the product for you! We are The Memory Association, an association that felt the need to band together and lessen the effects of mental torment through remembrance. We created an alternative of memory erasure for the general public through pill supplements that can be reached through our tele-health line! The objective of the Memory Association is to help regain a sense of how life used to be. Products represented include “memory pills” which erase the memory of the consumer’s worries and or trauma seen from the user’s mind over time. However, The Memory Association has made some enemies. An underground society that calls themselves “ The Memory Disassociation.” They believe that you should remember things you’ve seen and felt. So, they produce propaganda going against everything the memory association is trying to achieve. While you may want to forget, always remember, the fear of what if is much more consuming than you’d think.