Hello, Stranger is a collaborative project that combines the voices of anonymous individuals with design. All of the stories, advice, lessons, truths, etc. in this project are transcribed verbatim from anonymous responses to a survey of intimate questions about life, lessons, overcoming adversity, and personal growth.

Artist/Thesis Statement
Everyone has a story. What’s yours?
Hello, Stranger is a collaborative project that combines the voices of anonymous
individuals with design. All of the stories, advice, lessons, truths, etc. in this project
are transcribed verbatim from anonymous responses to a survey of intimate
questions about life, lessons, overcoming adversity, and personal growth.
individuals with design. All of the stories, advice, lessons, truths, etc. in this project
are transcribed verbatim from anonymous responses to a survey of intimate
questions about life, lessons, overcoming adversity, and personal growth.
These stories are anonymous to allow participants to write as freely as possible—
they are given a platform to express something that they might have been holding
back in fear of judgment or doubt. The goal was to collect the most personal,
revealing stories that explore the different psyches of each individual.
they are given a platform to express something that they might have been holding
back in fear of judgment or doubt. The goal was to collect the most personal,
revealing stories that explore the different psyches of each individual.
The designed content is my own reaction and interpretation of these stories, and acts
as the bridge which connects the words of these strangers to you—the audience.
as the bridge which connects the words of these strangers to you—the audience.