Growing up I was self conscious for being different, and at times I was excluded from activities that my body just wouldn't allow me to do. It wasn't until later in my life that I had met others that could relate to my stories and experiences living with an internal illness. Because of this, I want to pay homage to my friends that helped make this project possible, and to anyone who has faced physical hardship in their lifetime.

Artist/Thesis Statement
“Beneath the Skin”: An internal difference in someone that is not outwardly expressed.
We as individuals all have layers, our physical layer, an internal layer, and a spiritual layer that define each one of us. “Beneath the Skin” is a project that signifies the appearance of looking conventionally “normal” or healthy despite having an internal condition that is life-threatening and/or injurious. However, I, along with the other subjects that I have dealt with, have overcome internal life-threatening conditions that an outsider would never know about simply by looking at our physical layer.
I have created three distinct project explorations that convey the layers of the four subjects. The book explores the vulnerability alluded to in the subject's stories and memories. When read, my aim is for the reader to draw parallels with their own life situations, and to provoke similar feelings and experiences. The digital posters reveal the internal differences of each subject while essentially physically “repairing” the abnormality with flowers being used to express that being different is beautiful. Lastly, the Instagram page is a way to branch out to others seeking encouragement and guidance through stories and illustrations, and forming a support system for people who are currently or have once dealt with a physical hardship. With "Beneath the Skin,” I celebrate the positive outcome of each individual, and the journey they took that defines who they are today.
I have created three distinct project explorations that convey the layers of the four subjects. The book explores the vulnerability alluded to in the subject's stories and memories. When read, my aim is for the reader to draw parallels with their own life situations, and to provoke similar feelings and experiences. The digital posters reveal the internal differences of each subject while essentially physically “repairing” the abnormality with flowers being used to express that being different is beautiful. Lastly, the Instagram page is a way to branch out to others seeking encouragement and guidance through stories and illustrations, and forming a support system for people who are currently or have once dealt with a physical hardship. With "Beneath the Skin,” I celebrate the positive outcome of each individual, and the journey they took that defines who they are today.