Jordan De Aza
Deviant Vertebrae
Hello my name is Jordan, and I am the creator of the world Deviant Vertebrae, a hangout space for users to be comfortable, and have fun with friends. You can explore by downloading the STEAM application “VRChat” and searching for “Deviant Vertebrae”. I look forward to updating this space as years go on.

Artist/Thesis Statement
I am interested in the idea of a beautiful space being a lot more accessible to the general public. I also like how virtual spaces promote social interactions amongst users who would normally be introverted in the physical world. My goal with this project, “DV,” is to create a new hangout space for users to be comfortable, and have fun with friends or meet someone new.
A lot of my influences have come from video games like Playstation Home, VRChat, and Sansar. I have been playing video games since around the age of 10, and along the way I really enjoy the games that allow you to customize your characters, or your characters' living spaces.
“DV”is a virtual space that can be accessed using VRChat. “DV” stands for Deviant Vertebrae, a title I chose because of its mysterious, playful and liberating body connotation. The mood of this building varies depending on the floor the user is in, but the whole experience has a cohesive idea of entertainment. The basement level has neon lighting with an assortment of furniture/boxes as if someone hoarded them and placed them right into the space regardless of whether it fits the theme or not. For the main floor, it's the closest thing to a normal bar/restaurant with entertainment elements. This bar is well kept, and has a lot of warm tones. The top floor of DV is a fashion show environment equipped with a runway, the colors are dark, but have lights illuminating from all directions, to resemble a cosmic star vibe.
For the majority of the assets, I used Autodesk Maya as well as Blender, and they are compiled and coded in Unity 3D. The final components are imported into VRChat, and made accessible to any user in the world.