Landyn Murphy
“uncover” is a project which aims to foster deeper appreciation of, and contribution to local history through communal education and exploration of historical sites.

Artist/Thesis Statement
The Pierce Family Tomb, the tunnels under State Street, and Hell’s Gates are all historical locations in Newburyport, MA that have luckily been passed down generationally through word of mouth; others were lost to time. There are thousands of other cities and towns in similar situations, and in an era of rapid urban development, preserving the history of a community is paramount.
“uncover” is a project that aims to connect communities with their rich past, and each other, by encouraging the exploration of, and contribution to a bank of community sourced historical sites. This project not only embraces technology as a means to enhance historical understanding but also empowers individuals to be active stewards of their cultural heritage, ensuring that the stories of the past remain available to be enjoyed by future generations. The uncover app allows users to explore their area, community, and local history as a whole. With this dedicated space for community interaction, local history stays alive and vibrant.